
Disbudpar Batam- Museum Batam Raja Ali Haji meraih sertifikat tipe B dari Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbud Ristek). Sertifikat ini diteken oleh Direktur Pembinaan Tenaga dan Lembaga Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan Kemendikbud Ristek, Judi Wahjudin.
Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Kota Batam, Ardiwinata, menyambut antusias atas pemberian sertifikat tersebut. Terlebih, museum yang terletak di Dataran Engku Putri, Batam Center ini, sudah mengikuti standardisasi dan sosialisasi sesuai Pedoman Standardisasi Museum pada (20/4/2021) lalu.
“Dan sertifikat inilah hasilnya, berdasarkan standardisasi museum tahun 2021, Museum Batam sudah memenuhi standar kriteria tipe B,” katanya, Minggu (19/9/2021).
Sertifikat ini, sambung dia, juga menandakan bahwa Museum Batam yang diresmikan (soft launching) pada 18 Desember 2020 lalu itu, telah memenuhi standar kelayakan menjadi destinasi wisata sejarah di Kota Batam.
Ardi melanjutkan, sebelum menjadi museum, bangunan ini merupakan bekas gedung astaka MTQ XXV tingkat nasional, yang disumbangkan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Kepri kepada Pemerintah Kota (Pemko) Batam.
Ardi mengaku terus mengenalkan Museum Batam Raja Ali Haji kepada masyarakat Kota Batam dan Kepri, agar museum ini makin dikenal luas masyarakat, sekaligus mengedukasi tentang sejarah wilayah ini sesuai koleksi yang ada di dalam museum. Saat ini, tim dari Disbudpar Kota Batam juga terus mencari benda-benda bersejarah untuk dijadikan koleksi museum, sehingga terawat dan dikenal oleh generasi muda.
“Tim sudah menemukan beberapa koleksi benda yang bersejarah, salah satunya tugu perbatasan wilayah saat Batam menjadi kota administratif, juga cerobong asap yang dibangun dari batu bata buatan Batam pada masa silam,” terangnya.
Ke depan,Ardi berharap agar makin banyak koleksi benda di dalam museum. Ia juga meminta masyarakat maupun komunitas yang mengetahui atau menyimpan koleksi benda-benda peninggalan sejarah di Bumi Melayu Batam dan Kepri, untuk berkenan menyumbangkannya ke Museum Batam Raja Ali Haji.
“Tujuannya, agar benda-benda tersebut bisa dikenal luas oleh masyarakat, dan menjadi bahan edukasi bagi generasi muda kita nanti,” jelasnya.
Sebagai informasi, Museum Batam Raja Ali Haji sudah didaftarkan ke Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) bersama 475 museum lainnya di Indonesia. Isi dari museum ini menampilkan sejarah peradaban Batam mulai dari Batam sejak zaman Kerajaan Riau Lingga, masa penjajahan Belanda dan Jepang, periode Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kepri, Otorita Pertama, era BJ Habibie, Kota Administratif, kemudian masuk Sejarah Astaka, Khazanah Melayu, dan infrastruktur atau era pembangunan Batam sekarang.
Batam Museum Got Type B Certificate
Culture and Tourism Department of Batam City- Batam Museum Raja Ali Haji got Type B Cerificate from Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. This certificate was signed by the Director of Manpower Development and Cultural Institutions of the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Judi Wahjudin.
Head of Batam City Culture and Tourism Department, Ardiwinata, enthusiastically welcomed the certificate awarded. Moreover, the museum which is located in Dataran Engku Putri, Batam Center, has followed standardization and socialization according to the Museum Standardization Guidelines on (20/4/2021).
“And, this certificate is the result, according to museum standardization of 2021, Batam Museum has met the criteria for type B,” he said, Sunday (19/9/2021).
This certificate, he continued, also indicates that the Batam Museum, which was inaugurated (soft launching) on December 18, 2020, has met the eligibility standards to become a historical tourist destination in Batam City.
Ardi continue, before becoming a museum, this building was a former astaka building of National Level MTQ XXV, which was donated by the Riau Islands Provincial Government to the Batam City Government.
Ardi admitted that will he continues to introduce the Batam Muesum Raja Ali Haji to the people of Batam City and Riau Islands, so that this museum is more widely known to the public, as well as educating about the history of this area according to the collections in the museum. Currently, the team from Culture and Tourism Department of Batam City also continues to look for the historical objects to be used as museum collections, so that it will maintained and known by the younger generation.
“The team has found several collections of historical objects, one of them is the regional border monument when Batam was an administrative city, as well as a chimney built of bricks made by Batam in the past,” he explained.
In the future, Ardi hopes that there will be more object collections in the museum. He also asked the public and communities who know or keep a collection of historical heritage objects in Bumi Melayu Batam and Riau Islands, to be willing to donate them to the Batam Museum Raja Ali Haji.
“The goal is that these objects can be widely known by the public, and become educational materials for our young generation later,” he explained.
For information, the Batam Museum Raja Ali Haji has been registered with the Ministry of Education and Culture along with 475 other museums in Indonesia. The contents of this museum display the history of Batam civilization starting from Batam since the days of the Riau Lingga Kingdom, the Dutch and Japanese colonial period, the period of Indonesian Independence, the Riau Islands Regency Government, the First Authority, the BJ Habibie era, the Administrative City, then entered the History of Astaka, Malay Khazanah, and infrastructure or the current era of a development in Batam.