Jefridin Lihat Hiasan Tanjak dan Tepak Sirih

Disbudpar Batam- Seketaris Daerah (Sekda) Kota Batam, Jefridin memuji Harris Resort Waterfront Batam yang ikut mengenalkan tepak sirih, tanjak dan kuliner khas Melayu kepada pengunjung.

“Saya turut berbangga bahwa hotel (Harris Resort Waterfront) memajang tepak sirih dan tanjak,” katanya, usai menjadi narasumber dalam karantina 20 finalis Pemilihan Duta Wisata Encik dan Puan Kota Batam tahun 2021, Selasa (30/3/2021).

Jefridin mengatakan tepak sirih ini salah satu peralatan yang selalu digunakan dalam prosesi adat Melayu seperti tari persembahan. Tepak sirih sebagai pembuka kata, sebelum memulai perundingan makan sirih terlebih dahulu.

“Tanjak sebagai penutup kepala biasanya digunakan saat acara adat, seperti pernikahan,” ujarnya.

Jefridin meminta tak hanya Harris Resort Waterfront Batam, promosi tentang budaya Melayu juga seharusnya diikuti oleh hotel dan resort lainnya di Kota Batam. Dengan begitu budaya dan pariwisata Kota Batam makin dikenal oleh wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara.

“Semua hotel ikut mensosialisasikan tentang benda yang sangat sakral di sisi adat Melayu,” ucapnya.

General Manager Harris Resort Waterfront Batam, M. Mufrani mengatakan selain menampilkan tepak sirih dan tanjak, Harris Resort Waterfront juga menghadirkan menu Melayu seperti mie lendir, sup ikan Batam, jus buah naga, ayam pajri nanas, dan ikan asam pedas dalam sajian kulinernya.

“Hal ini dalam rangka kita mendukung program Pemerintah Kota (Pemko) Batam untuk memajukan budaya Melayu,” sebutnya.

Sementara Kepala Disbudpar Kota Batam, Ardiwinata mengapresiasi upaya Harris Resort Waterfront Batam yang ikut serta mengenalkan budaya Melayu kepada pengunjung khususnya wisatawan. Ardi berharap budaya Melayu lainnya juga dipromosikan, seperti memperdengarkan lagu Melayu dan mewajibkan karyawan memakai busana Melayu.
“Sesuai Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Kota Batam Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pemajuan Kebudayaan Melayu serta mempromosikan kepada wisatawan,” katanya.

Kepada Sekda, Ardi juga menyampaikan Swiss-Belhotel Harbour Bay Batam juga menghadirkan menu Lendot sebagai hidangan pembuka (appetizer) kemudian ikan asam pedas sebagai hidangan utama (mencourse).

“Saya sangat senang hotel dan resort di Batam telah menawarkan kuliner khas Melayu, dalam rangka mengenalkan makanan khas kita kepada wisatawan,” pungkasnya

Jefridin Saw the Miniature of Tanjak and Tepak Sirih (Betel)

The Culture and Tourism Department of Batam City- The Regional Secretary of Batam City, Jefridin praised Harris Resort Waterfront Batam for introducing tepak sirih (betel), tanjak (typical Malay hat) and typical Malay culinary delights to visitors.

“I am also proud that the hotel (Harris Resort Waterfront) displays tepak sirih (betel) and tanjak (typical Malay hat) ,” he said, after becoming a resource person in the quarantine of 20 finalists for the Batam City Tourism Ambassador Selection “Encik and Puan of Batam City” in 2021, Tuesday (30/3/2021).

Jefridin said that tepak sirih (betel) is one of the equipment which always be used for the Malay tradition procession such as opening traditional dance. Tepak sirih (betel) as an opening word, before starting the negotiations eating betel first.

“Tanjak as a head covering is usually used during traditional events, such as weddings,” he said.

Jefridin asked that not only Harris Resort Waterfront Batam, promotion of Malay culture should also be followed by other hotels and resorts in Batam City. That way the culture and tourism of Batam City is increasingly recognized by domestic and foreign tourists.

“All hotels also socialize about objects that are very sacred in terms of Malay customs,” he said.

General Manager of Harris Resort Waterfront Batam, M. Mufrani said that apart from presenting tepak sirih (betel) and tanjak, Harris Resort Waterfront also presents Malay menus such as mucus noodles, Batam fish soup, dragon fruit juice, pineapple pajri chicken, and spicy tamarind fish in its culinary offerings.

“This is in order for us to support the Batam City Government program to advance Malay culture,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Batam City Culture and Tourism Department, Ardiwinata, appreciated the efforts of Harris Resort Waterfront Batam which participated in introducing Malay culture to visitors, especially tourists. Ardi hopes that other Malay cultures will also be promoted, such as playing Malay songs and requiring employees to wear Malay clothes.
“According to Batam City Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2018 concerning the Advancement of Malay Culture and promoting it to tourists,” he said.

To the Regional Secretary, Ardi also conveyed that Swiss-Belhotel Harbor Bay Batam also presented the Lendot menu as an appetizer then spicy tamarind fish as the main dish.

“Batam has offered typical Malay culinary delights, in order to introduce our specialties to tourists,” he concluded.