Disbudpar Batam – Aglonema Big Leaf dan Varigata Bur Le Max terpilih menjadi juara satu kontes tanaman hias yang digelar oleh Asosiasi Seni Lanskap Indonesia (Asli) Kota Batam binaan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Kota Batam, bertempat di Mega Mall, Batam Centre, Minggu (10/1/2021).
Penilaian dewan juri didasarkan dengan melihat kondisi fisik, kesehatan tanaman, karakter dan kestabilan warna, serta voting dari pengunjung Mega Mall.
Sebagai informasi, kontes tanaman hias ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan Batam Flower Festival dan event pertama yang digelar di Kota Batam.
Ketua Panitia Batam Flower Festival, Wayan melaporkan kegiatan ini diinisiasi oleh Kepala Disbudpar Kota Batam, Ardiwinata untuk mengairahkan kembali pariwisata dan ekonomi di Kota Batam.
Ia menyebutkan kontes ini diikuti 90 peserta yang terbagibdalam dua kategori yakni kontes aglonema tunggal dan kontes varigata.
“Kita berterima kasih juga kepada Mega Mall atas lokasi yang diberikan untuk kegiatan Batam Flower Festival selama tiga bulan ini,” katanya.
Ketua ASLI Kota Batam, Bambang menyampaikan Batam Flower Festival akan menjadi agenda rutin di Kota Batam. ASLI akan melanjutkan event ini di pusat perbelanjaan lainnya di Kota Batam.
“Setelah di Mega Mall, kami (ASLI) melanjutkan roadshow di BCS Mall,” terangnya.
Kepala Disbudpar Kota Batam, Ardiwinata mengapresiasi event tanaman hias ini banyak diikuti oleh para penyuka tanaman hias. Ia menyampaikan kegiatan ini akan menjadi kegiatan rutin sebagai wadah bagi penyuka tanaman memamerkan tanamannya.
“Kedepannya kita akan buat lebih besar lagi, tak hanya aglonema dan varigata, selanjutnya ada anggrek, dan lain-lain. Dan kegiatan ini juga sebagai tempat transaksi tanaman untuk meningkatkan ekonomi,” ucapnya.
Dikatakannya, Wali Kota Batam, Muhammad Rudi mengembangkan infrastruktur dan memperindah Kota Batam dalam konsep pariwisata. Kota Batam juga memiliki amenitas yang lengkap, seperti adanya hotel, resort, rumah sakit, pelabuhan internasional. Kemudian Batam juga mempunyai ragam event budaya dan pariwisata, salah satunya Batam Flower Festival.
“Kita butuh event menarik lainnya untuk mengairahkan kembali pariwisata dan ekonomi,” pungkasnya.
Aglonema Big Leaf and Varigata Bur Le Max Wins Contest of Ornamental Plants
The Culture and Tourism Department of Batam City – Aglonema Big Leaf and Varigata Bur Le Max were selected to be the first winners of the ornamental plant contest which held by Indonesian Landscape Arts Association (ASLI) of Batam City under the guidance of The Culture and Tourism Department of Batam City (Disbudpar), at Mega Mall Batam Center, on Sunday (10/1/2021).
The judges’ assessment is based by looking at the physical condition of the plants, the plants health, character and color stability, also a voting from the visitors of Mega Mall.
For information, this ornamental plant contest is a series of Batam Flower Festival and the first event which is held in Batam City.
The Chief Committee of Batam Flower Festival, Wayan, reported that this activity was initiated by the Head of Batam City Culture and Tourism Department, Ardiwinata to revive tourism and economy in Batam City.
He said that the contest was followed by 90 participants who were divided into two categories, they are the single aglonema contest and the varigata contest.
“We also thank to Mega Mall as the venue of Batam Flower Festival for this three months,” he said.
The Chairman of ASLI Batam City, Bambang said that the Batam Flower Festival will be a routine agenda in Batam City. ASLI will continue this event at other shopping centers in Batam City.
“After at Mega Mall, we (ASLI) will continue the roadshow at BCS Mall,”
The Head of Batam City Culture and Tourism Department, Ardiwinata appreciated this ornamental plant event which was attended by many ornamental plant lovers. He said that this activity would become a routine activity as a place for plant lovers to show off their plants.
“In the future we will make it even bigger, not only aglonema and varigata, next there are orchids, and others. And this activity is also a place for plant transactions to improve the economy,” he said.
He said, Mayor of Batam, Muhammad Rudi developed infrastructure and beautified Batam City in a tourism concept. Batam City also has a complete amenities, such as hotels, resorts, hospitals, and international ports. Batam also has a variety of cultural and tourism events, one of them is the Batam Flower Festival.
“We need other interesting events to revive tourism and the economy,” he concluded.