Disbudpar Batam – Asosiasi pariwisata dan 20 Duta Cleanliness, Health, Safety dan Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) Batam gotong royong membersihkan pantai yang terpapar limbah minyak hitam (sludge oil) di Pantai Nuvasa Bay, Nongsa, Sabtu (9/1). Sebagai informasi limbah tersebut sudah mencemari dua pantai di Kota Batam yakni Pantai Nongsa dan Nuvasa Bay, sejak Senin lalu.
Asosiasi pariwisata dan Duta CHSE mengumpulkan sampah bekas tumpahan minyak di bibir Pantai Nuvasa Bay dalam kegiatan goro yang dimulai sejak pagi.
Perwakilan Duta CHSE Batam, Ade mengatakan ia akan terus berkontribusi menjaga kelestarian lingkungan destinasi wisata di Kota Batam, salah satunya dengan mengikuti kegiatan gotong royong seperti yang dilakukan di pantai Nuvasa Bay ini.
“Selain mengajak masyarakat melaksanakan penerapan protokol kesehatan, kegiatan menjaga lingkungan juga salah satu tanggung jawab kami sebagai Duta CHSE sehingga wisatawan nyaman menikmati pantai yang bersih,” katanya.
Batam Golf Dept Head Nuvasa Bay, Dini M Surdja mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah Kota (Pemko) Batam bersama stakeholder atas kepedulian dalam kegiatan gotong royong membersihkan Pantai Nuvasa usai kejadian tumpahan limbah minyak hitam.
“Kami bersyukur, terima kasih teman-teman sudah membantu membersihkan Pantai Nuvasa,” katanya.
Ia menceritakan awal mula kasus tersebut yang berlangsung sejak awal tahun 2021.
“Tanggal 1 Januari badai angin, lalu tanggal 2 Januari tercium bau oli, ditambah dengan rumput laut penuh disini (di bibir pantai), lalu kami koordinasi dengan DLH (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup) dan mereka langsung memantau,” katanya.
Informasi yang didapatnya, limbah tersebut adalah jenis limbah B3 dan merupakan limbah berbahaya. Sehingga sepatutnya segera dibersihkan.
“Dengan kondisi seperti ini (Pantai Nuvasa) tutup dulu sampai kondisinya bersih,” terangnya.
Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Kota Batam, Ardiwinata mengaku prihatin atas kejadian tumpahan limbah minyak hitam tersebut.
“Pemerintah bersama Duta CHSE dan asosiasi pariwisata melaksanakan gotong royong untuk membersihkan pantai yang terdampak dari tumpahan limbah minyak hitam,” ucapnya.
Kegiatan ini sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab dalam menjaga keindahan destinasi wisata Kota Batam. Ardi mengajak masyarakat agar terus menjaga kebersihan dan kelestarian lingkungan tempat wisata.
“Ayo bersama-sama kita jaga kebersihan, keindahan, dan kelestarian pantai kita. Pantai kita sangat indah sehingga kita semua nyaman saat berakhir pekan di pantai,” ujarnya.
Wakil Wali Kota Batam, Amsakar Achmad, bersama Wakil Ketua I Tim Penggerak PKK Kota Batam, Erlita Sari Amsakar pun ikut turun membersihkan limbah minyak hitam (sludge oil) di kawasan pantai sekitar Nongsa.
Dalam kesempatan ini, Amsakar mengapresiasi keterlibatan asosiasi pariwisata dan Duta CHSE yang melaksanakan goro sebagai upaya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.
“Terima kasih untuk semua yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini, termasuk asosiasi-asosiasi di sektor pariwisata,” ujar Amsakar.
Amsakar menyebut, gotong royong yang sudah disepakati sejak tiga hari lalu itu, merupakan upaya pemerintah dalam menangani ancaman bencana di saat musim cuaca ekstrem seperti sekarang ini. Untuk kasus limbah minyak hitam atau sludge oil yang kerap mencemari destinasi wisata pantai di wilayah Nongsa, Amsakar akan membentuk petugas khusus yang akan melibatkan pihak terkait mengecek kandungan yang ada dalam limbah tersebut.
“Karena ini (limbah minyak) sudah berlangsung lama, setiap musim utara datang, pasti terjadi,” ujarnya.
Ia mengaku, ke depan harus ada Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) dalam menangani limbah minyak hitam tersebut. Ia pun langsung menginstruksikan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) untuk menyusun SOP tersebut.
“Para pelaku pariwisata sangat peduli dalam kebersihan destinasi wisata, alhamdulillah kita semua punya rasa memiliki terhadap Batam. Dengan kebersamaan ini, semua pekerjaan berat menjadi ringan,” katanya.
The Tourism Association and CHSE Ambassador of Batam City, Cleaning the Waste Black Oil
The Culture and Tourism Department of Batam City – The tourism association and 20 Ambassadors for Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) of Batam City joined a mutual assistance to clean up beaches exposed to black oil waste (sludge oil) on Nuvasa Bay Beach, Nongsa, Saturday (9/1). For information, this waste has polluted two beaches in Batam City, namely Nongsa Beach and Nuvasa Bay, since last Monday.
The tourism association and CHSE Ambassadors collect trash from the oil spill on the shores of Nuvasa Bay Beach in a mutual assistance activity that started in the morning.
As a representative for CHSE Ambassador of Batam City, Ade said that he will continue to contribute to preserving the environment of tourist destinations in Batam City, one of them is by participating in mutual assistance activity like what he did at Nuvasa Bay Beach.
“Besides inviting the society to implement health protocols, protecting the environment is also one of our responsibilities as CHSE Ambassadors, so the tourists are comfortable enjoying the clean beaches,” he said.
Batam Golf Dept. Head of Nuvasa Bay, Dini M Surdja expressed her gratitude to the Government Batam City and stakeholders for their concern in this mutual assistance activity to clean Nuvasa Bay Beach after the black oil waste spill.
“We are grateful, thank you friends for helping us to clean the shoreline of Nuvasa Bay Beach,” she said.
She recounted the beginning of the case which has been going since the beginning of 2021.
“On January 1, there was a wind storm. Then on January 2, there was the smell of oil, plus the seaweed was full here (on the shoreline), then we coordinated with Environmental Services and they immediately monitored it,” she said.
The information she got that the waste is a type of B3 waste and it is a hazardous waste. So it should be cleaned immediately.
“With a condition like this, it’s (Nuvasa Bay Beach) closed until the condition are clean,” she explained.
The Head of Batam City Culture and Tourism Department, Ardiwinata admitted that he was concerned about the black oil waste spill.
“The government together with CHSE Ambassadors and the Tourism Associations doing a mutual assistance to clean the affected beaches from the black oil waste spill,” he said.
This activity as a form of responsibility in maintaining the beauty of Batam City tourist destinations. Ardi invites the society to continue maintain cleanliness and environmental sustainability of tourist attractions.
“Let’s maintain the cleanliness, beauty and sustainability of our beaches. Our beaches are so beautiful so we are all comfortable on a weekends at the beach,” he said.
Deputy Mayor of Batam, Amsakar Achmad, together with Deputy Chairman I of the Batam City Family Welfare Education Movement Team, Erlita Sari Amsakar, also participated in cleaning up the black oil waste (sludge oil) in the coastal area around Nongsa.
On this occasion, Amsakar appreciated the involvement of the Tourism Associations and CHSE Ambassadors who did a mutual assistance as an effort to keep the environment clean.
“Thank you for all who are involved in this activity, including the associations of tourism sector,” said Amsakar.
Amsakar said that the mutual assistance which had been agreed upon since three days ago was the government’s effort in dealing with the threat of disaster in the current extreme weather season. For the case of black oil waste or sludge oil which often pollutes coastal tourism destinations in the Nongsa area, Amsakar will form a special officer who will involve the related parties to check the content in the waste.
“Because this (waste oil) has been going on for a long time, every time the northern season comes, it will happen,” he said.
He admitted that in the future there must be a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in dealing with the black oil waste. He immediately instructed the Environmental Services to compile the SOP.
“All tourism stakeholder really care about the cleanliness of tourist destinations, alhamdulillah (thank God) we all have a sense of belonging to Batam. With this togetherness, all heavy work will be lightened,” he said.